“ Sinds 2014 is Verasol controleplichtig en dienen de AO/IC processen gestructureerd uitgewerkt en geïmplementeerd te worden binnen de organisatie. Na een selectief wervingsproces heeft Verasol gekozen voor Annemie Graat om dit vorm te geven. Annemie heeft samen met de betrokken afdelingen alle werkprocessen uitgediept, beschreven en waar nodig verbeterd. Haar uitgebreide kennis, ervaring en doortastendheid heeft ervoor gezorgd dat bij alle betrokken afdelingen de waarde van procesmatig denken sterk vergroot is. Tijdens het uitvoeren van de opdracht hebben wij Annemie leren kennen als een organisatie breed denkend analyticus, die haar verzamelde informatie goed vertaald heeft naar de praktijk.”
Cor den Hartogh, algemeen directeur Verasol
“ Annemie has been working for DSM Expert Center since February 2014 as interim controller within DSM Expert Center in the business (service) areas of Intellectual Property, Large Capital Projects and Information Services. In this role she has frequent contact with the managers of the mentioned service departments on wide variety of finance topics: reporting, budgeting, forecasting, KPI/dashboard reporting, improvement plans. Annemie has picked up as from the beginning this interim assignment very quickly with very good performance & reliability. She is a good connector & team player and integrated easily & quickly in the organization and in the finance community. She has a good knowledge of SAP, excel and all kind of reporting tools. Besides connectivity, drive for result and analytical skills, Annemie has also a very pragmatic approach as one of her key behaviors.”
Hub Meijs, Director Finance & Control DSM Expert Center
“ I’ve been lucky to have the chance to work with Annemie on a number of jobs in the past. During that time I have gotten to know Annemie as a financial professional that knows what she is talking about, has good eye for details with a lot of commitment and drive. But even more importantly she is not afraid to challenge an opinion and also she can make good interventions when meetings are going the wrong way. She knows how to communicate and has the ability to adapt her language to the person she is talking to.”
Nick van der Burgt, Senior Business Controller Essent/RWE
“ Annemie is a dedicated and experienced finance professional, combining a broad experience and the ability to keep balance between supporting and challenging of business managers. She is a passionate and pleasant colleague to work with.”
Joris van Dam, Manager Business Controlling at Essent/RWE